Tips For Cleaning And Maintaining Artificial Grass

Dec. 30, 2019

Compared with natural grass, artificial grass has low investment cost and is convenient and durable. However, the damage caused by weather factors such as rain, snow, and ultraviolet radiation cannot be ignored. Dust, leaves, fallen plant seeds, and other environmental factors will also bring damage. Come to some destruction. At this time, regular cleaning and maintenance of the lawn becomes very important. When cleaning, you can also grasp some tips to improve the comfort of the site. The Artificial Grass Supplier will give you a detailed introduction below.

1. Clean up debris

When you find large pollutants such as leaves, paper, butts on the lawn, you need to clean them in time-you can use a convenient blower to clean up quickly. In addition, the edges and exterior areas of artificial turf need to be checked regularly to prevent the emergence of moss plants. Once traces of plant growth are found, they can be removed using high-pressure hoses.

2. Remove sharp objects

For Artificial Grass, the most damaging pollutants are sharp objects, such as stones, broken glass, and metal blocks. This pollutant must be removed immediately. In addition, chewing gum and adhesives are extremely harmful to artificial turf, and can be treated by cooling.

3. Remove stains

Generally speaking, regular cleaning can remove most of the stains. More serious oil stains can be cleaned with a rag moistened with petroleum solvent; "watery" stains such as juice, milk, ice cream, and blood stains can be scrubbed with soapy water first. Then rinse thoroughly with water; shoe polish, suntan lotion, ballpoint pen oil, etc. can be wiped with a sponge dipped in tetrachloroethylene, and then dried with a towel with strong adsorption force; for stains such as paraffin, asphalt and asphalt, just wipe hard or use a sponge Dip with tetrachloroethylene and wipe; paint, coating, etc. can be wiped with turpentine or paint remover; fungal or mildew spots can be washed with 1% hydrogen peroxide water, and thoroughly soaked and removed after wiping.

4. Carding stuffing

Next, the particle and sand filling conditions must be checked. Soccer Artificial Grass needs to comb the field lawn once or twice a month to loosen the field filling. In areas of high-intensity use, such as the restricted area of a football field, the amount of filler may be reduced compared to other areas. Scouring and cleaning by heavy rain will also cause a small loss of filling. Quartz sand and rubber granules can be sprinkled in the places to be filled and swept into the turf completely.

Soccer Artificial Grass

Soccer Artificial Grass

5. Perform professional artificial turf repairs

There are many reasons for damaging artificial turf. In addition to uneven pressure and incorrect application methods, human factors and environmental factors can also affect turf quality. Uneven pressure can occur at the free throw point and in the goal area. In addition, it is also necessary to carefully check whether there is looseness in the sutures, and whether there is damage, tears, burns, etc. on the entire bottom of the grass.

6. Sprinkle water before use

In order to reduce the temperature of the lawn, reduce the dust absorbed on the grass, and improve the abrasion resistance and life of the grass, it is recommended that the site be wetted with water before use. Especially on hot summer days, water spraying can reduce the surface temperature of the field and make athletes feel more comfortable.

In addition, deep lawn maintenance can also be carried out every year. The staff specialized in the maintenance of artificial turf sports fields should operate professional mechanized equipment for comprehensive and thorough deep maintenance. This will not only ensure that the field maintains good sports characteristics, prolong the life of the lawn, but also better protect the athletes and reduce the risk of injury.

The above is the daily cleaning and maintenance of artificial grass. Have you learned it?